Can treating hearing loss improve the progression of cognitive function and reduce dementia risk?
As we continue our journey through the intriguing world of medical science and holistic wellbeing, I’d like to bring your attention to an enlightening piece by Dr. Peter Attia. Dr. Attia is renowned for his research into strategies aimed at extending the human lifespan, and more importantly the human healthspan. His recent article on the potential connections between hearing loss, cognitive change, and dementia risk is a compelling exploration into a topic we should all be aware of. I highly recommend reaching the article included in this blog for your convenience.
The question Dr. Attia addresses is: “Can treating hearing loss improve the progression of cognitive function and reduce dementia risk?” This was also the central question of the ACHIEVE randomized trial. The study found that the use of hearing aids and hearing rehabilitation had significant positive effects on mental skills and episodic memory – two areas which can serve as potential biomarkers of cognitive decline.
What does this tell us? While we cannot definitively conclude that hearing loss is a factor in the onset of dementia or cognitive impairment, we can certainly say that treating hearing loss is a relatively easy intervention that can potentially delay these conditions, while also improving the quality of life. Even as we await more research to fully understand the links between hearing loss and dementia, we can confidently state that it is imperative to not ignore hearing loss.
Hearing loss is a common condition that affects millions of elderly individuals. It is largely treatable and addressing it can have a remarkable impact on one’s overall wellbeing. The take-home message is clear: Screen for and treat hearing loss. It’s a significant step towards improving healthspan and quality of life, regardless of its impact on dementia risk.
Dr. Attia’s work is an excellent reminder that taking care of our health involves tending to all aspects of our wellbeing – including our hearing. I urge all of you to read his article and learn more about the importance of addressing hearing loss.
Until next time, stay tuned for more insights into the medical world, and remember: Your health is in your hands.
Mark Carlson, MD
Founder and Medical Director